Dear friends,
We wanted to share a few tangible God-sitings we've had in the last few days and also ask you to pray with us for these situations. A few of our students were given a "divine appointment" the other day when God led them back to the church from their prayer walk on a different route. They encountered 5 children and 2 adults that essentially asked to hear the gospel.
That night, all 5 children and MORE came to the VBS program. It went fairly well the first night with them, and remained manageable. Last night, however, it was evident that some of these girls were out of control. One started to get violent...others couldn't follow any instructions...others were just doing whatever they could to be disrupting. As VBS leaders, it was miserable. But walking these kids home last night, we heard stories, saw their homes, and gained a little perspective. These children are living in places where the same bath water is used for all the children so the parents can save on the water bill. The beds are uncovered moldy mattresses with no pillows. Cigarette butts litter the rooms and explain the round scars the children have on their arms. It was depressing. In a moment, it clicked: "So that's why they're acting this way."
After dropping the kids off, we decided to pray as we walked. Shortly after praying, several of the kids rushed up behind us just to give us hugs and run back. It was as if God said, "I heard you. I'm using you and using them in your lives too."
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