East E. Free Friday at CrossCultural EFC
Hello Everyone! We had a wonderful day today! After the fact that we woke up in pools of sweat, we headed down to breakfast. We had french toast sticks which are usually a hit cause hey, who doesn’t like fried food?! After breakfast, we went to our last morning rally in the ever so refreshing air conditioning. We always get there early to soak up as much as we can. We started with some amazing worship and then Jamie Buchanan spoke to us for a few brief minutes. After that, a lady whose name has been misplaced in my mind gave us some great tips on how to memorize bible verses and that even with all the technology today we should still keep our minds filled with bible verses in case we don’t have any devices to help us out. The last thing we did at the rally was fill out a sheet a paper asking about our week. About how God has changed many lives and how we can stay close to him when we return home.
We ate lunch and planned to meet at 12:15 to make a quick run to Starbucks but knowing us we were all late and didn’t have time. Once we got to CrossCultural Church we listened to their Pastor, Mike Rice, talk to us about his life and how he got into ministry and became the Pastor there. Once he was finished, a majority of the group went to a nearby park and pulled weeds. (The other stayed behind to finish some painting.) The park consisted of a bunch of Burdock in which I kept calling Burlap and I now know that they are two totally different things. Once we got all sweaty and itchy we went back to the church and ate our dinner.
We had walking tacos. If you have no clue what that is, I’ll explain. Just think of a general taco with the meat, cheese, lettuce, sour cream, salsa, and whatever else you like…all crunched up and in a Doritos bag (baig J). I’m still neutral on the whole concept of a taco in a bag; I haven’t come to terms with it yet. Anyways, after that, we started getting ready for our last VBSL. All the kids had a bunch of energy that night; it was super exciting because it made everyone have more energy which leads to a better time. I even saw the leaders have more energy when they were dancing; it’s true even if they deny it!
As we split off into our own groups, I took a little autistic boy, Johnathan, to the room where they were having the lesson time. The previous days I had been working in the nursery where we usually had 2 kids and 3 workers so this last day I decided to stay with Johnathan since he needed more attention than most of the other children. I had only encountered him a few times the nights before so I didn’t get to spend much time with him or really get to know him. I knew that on Thursday he didn’t have a very good day at VBS because he was very rowdy and just didn’t want to pay attention. I think just having that one-on-one time with someone just helps those kinds of kids cope better. But today, he seemed like a normal kid who played with other children, shared his toys, and participated in activities. God works in amazing ways because before this trip I was leaning on a few different options in what I was going to major in when I go to college in a year. Helping children with disorders such as Autism, Down syndrome, or Asperger’s, was one of my options. God really just opened my eyes and opened my heart to fulfilling this as a career but keeping my options open too. He works in amazing ways!
Almost done guys, sorry! After VBS, where there were quite a few tears, we went to the night rally. Some people shared the stories of things they experienced this week. It was very powerful! Then they gave us pizza! It was a FABULOUS week!
Thanks for all your prayers!
Kennedy Beck
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