Sunday, July 26, 2015

"Rubber Bands" Out of the Box

As a first-time BUMP leader bringing a small group (3) of first-time BUMPers, we had no idea how God would stretch us this week. He is good and these are my reflections...

Like a box of new rubber bands, we were still in the box and unused. We knew Who had purchased us (Jesus) and we knew the extremely high cost (the cross) that had been paid, but we still did not know our purpose. We arrived, unpacked and quickly realized that the box had been opened! We were ready to see how God would use us. Once out of the box, the stretching began.

Praying out loud in a group? Ouch. Prayer walking in neighborhoods that desperately need to know about God's love? Ouch, ouch. Knocking on doors to invite strangers to Vacation Bible School? Ouch, ouch ouch! Then the seemed chaos or VBS crafts - trying to hold everything together - smiling, nurturing the kids, paint and glue EVERYWHERE! Ouch! Sometimes we slipped and things fell apart, so we re-stretched with God's grace. A little less painful, but still outside the box.

Now the week is coming to a close. The stretching is not so fearful, almost welcomed because we know our purpose now and know we are not doing it alone. It felt so good to be useful - not easy - but God is good.

Thank you to BUMP organization leaders and teams for this experience. I have known these three little "rubber bands" since they were in my pre-school Sunday School class and watched them grow up in church. I have seen tremendous spiritual growing in the past few months because of our BUMP preparation, student workbooks, devotional materials and on-site support. We felt that our heads were well-prepared. We found our hearts here.

As we pack up and go home, it is my prayer that we see because of our stretching we are bigger than we were at the beginning of our BUMP experience and that we never have to go back into the box. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Being Led Forth in Victory

"Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." 2 Corinthians 2:14
Not Pain-free at Payne Free

This week has not been at all what I expected. It has been surprising, exciting, and challenging, all in ways I could never have anticipated. We just finished "Warfare Wednesday", as Wednesdays have been traditionally known at BUMP, but for us it seemed our "Warfare" day happened on Tuesday. There have been many great things happening this week, but there have been lots of challenges as well, forgetting stuff and having to make time costly extra trips, not once but twice and getting off to a rocky start with our Bible Lesson time all converged into a climax of difficulty on Tuesday.

My crew had been the most nervous about our role in the skits, but we figured that the Bible lesson time was solid and that we had it under control. After all, there was no set to make, no script to memorize, it's just telling a Bible story and talking about it. No big deal, right? We had been praying all along, but I am certain there was a level of "we've got this" on our part.  Perhaps we had forgotten that without God going on before us, "leading us in triumph", all our words would have no impact and figured that we somehow didn't need him. On Tuesday we returned from our 2nd day of VBS defeated and feeling a bit like we didn't want to do this anymore.

Time to Get Serious

We returned to our dorms and I let my crew go off and work off steam with a few of the other teams in an epic game of Live Action Mafia, while I sat and talked with God reflecting, praying, reading and confessing the areas where we had been trying to do things on our own strength.  We asked for wisdom and creativity on how to interact with the kids to get better results. I had to take time to remember that I could trust my team and that we were all their for the kids. I committed to letting my group do their thing while I really settled in and focused on really just loving on those I saw around me. I sent out a half dozen texts to my friends that I know I can count on to drop everything and pray, and I sent out a message to the parents of my group to add a few things to my prayer list.

I met Wednesday with anxiety, not sure what to expect or how hard it would be. It was amazing! The group that was the most challenging for us on Tuesday night was the most fun on Wednesday night. Only God could orchestrate that. But things also went more smoothly, the kids were more engaged and getting more out of the lesson.


It never ceases to amaze me just how often a re-emergence of self-reliance can happen after success. Ending Wednesday on a high note makes it super easy to think we've got this thing going. I am reminded how it should instead serve to remind me of the necessity of constantly covering this endeavor in prayer, about how helpless we are without it, and how one of the most valuable things I can teach  is the power of prayer for those who believe.

Day 5 -- We Are The Church

Have you heard the song Build Your Kingdom Here by Rend Collective?  If not (or if you love it as much as I do and want to listen again) you can check it out here: Build Your Kingdom Here - Lyric Video.

In the song, the phrase "we are the church" is repeated several times. In the past 24 hours, I've repeated synonymous phrases over and over. It headlined my thoughts.

The church is not the building, the church is the workers. We are the family of God. BUMP sets it up to see this truth well.

Despite where we're from, despite our ages, and our differences that we sometimes stumble to work through; we are the church. We have all come here to the Twin Cities to minister together at this time. God works mightily through His church all throughout history, and this week is no different. We are supporting each other through prayer; intercessors are praying here in the Cities and back at our home churches.  God has allowed situations to happen this week to emphasize the need to support each other (new friends and old friends) through prayer and action.  We are the church, we are family working together. We lay down our lives for heaven's cause.  We are the church, we pray revive this earth.  We pray revive Minneapolis, reconcile the citizens back to You. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 4 -- I myself will

Today in our devo time we talked a lot about sheep and read several passages about sheep; in our team devo time we even colored and cut out a picture of a sheep. Lots of sheep :)
One passage we looked at was Ezekiel 34 and when I read verse eleven, it stuck with me.  In the New Living Translation:
"For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I myself will search and find my sheep."
The duality of sovereignty and intimacy hit me.  The sovereign Lord, the Creator of the universe, has said that He, Himself, will search and find those He has claimed for Himself and care for them. As I continued to read that passage I noticed how many times God said "I will...".  I counted the phrases, it's 12 times in six verses (11-16).  Truly, how great is our God?

This year we have fewer kids than last year's VBS and while at first it seemed disappointing it didn't stay that way for long. God orchestrates all details to work together, I've been reminded of this so many times this week, and that includes the VBS attendance numbers. I believe with my whole heart that God did give us a smaller group of kids this year intentionally.  Among other reasons, one of the BUMPers has had the opportunity to walk through the night one-on-one with a kid whose heart is primed for hearing and receiving God's truths.  Had we had a larger group, this young man very likely would have gotten lost in the shuffle.

God knows.  He loves us so much and will seek us, find us, and take care of us.  The almighty God will take care of us.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Faith at Faith

Opening Rally included a message from Isaiah 6. God asks for someone to go and Isaiah is willing. You would expect successful ministry to follow but the message Isaiah is to give and the timeline and outcomes descibed seem to be the opposite of bearing good fruit. We were exhorted to trust God's idea of success rather than what we think should happen.

After weeks of pre-BUMP prep we were ready for a successful Sports Camp with our partner church teaching basketball, soccer and cheerleading. But on Day 1 only a handful of children showed up. And no one signed up for basketball.  We were all disappointed.  Three BUMP basketball coaches had no one to coach.

The "Partnership" in BUMP might include walking the road together in the good times and the hard times.  Helping each other trust God to be at work in both seasons.  Helping each other to be trusting His plan and purposes. Being faithful together even if it looks fruitless.

God didn't bring a basketball team to learn the drills we had prepared, but He did bring a dad who spent time talking to our unexpectedly available basketball coach. Another young BUMP coach chose to trust God by keeping a positive attitude and looking for other ways to be helpful.

We didn't expect Day 1 of Sports Camp to be like this.   But we are praying together to be ready to respond to what God has prepared for this week of ministry at Faith Church.

Day 3 -- The 'Unofficial' Day One

One challenge of BUMP, specifically with our site, is that tonight was day one of a week long VBS.  By this time we’ve spent two days and three nights here already, and we are tired.  And it’s still the beginning.  But God provides for our needs.
One of the cool things about how God has designed us is that we are made for relationships.  He’s made us to support each other.  It’s true today and it was just as true when Jesus was walking on the earth.  All of the BUMPers, this morning, looked at Mark 2:1-12 on their own.  This is the story of the paralytic man and his compassionate friends.  The paralyzed man was helpless and his friends worked creatively as a team to deliver this man to where Jesus was. They showed love and kindness and supported him at a time he needed it.  And the result was something amazing – spiritual and physical healing. 
It is such a blessing to be a part of a team here at BUMP.  I am so thankful for each one of my teammates that I traveled with and the ones I met here in the cities. In our tired and worn-out state, three days into the week, it feels good to know that we’re looking out for each other.   I’m thankful for the teammate who stepped up to the plate to hang out with the child who had far too much energy to stay in one place for any desired length of time and was proving very distracting.   I’m thankful for all of the teammates working behind the scene that allows the opportunities to open up for God to do incredible things in so many people’s lives.  Like the friends of the paralytic, together we’re carrying an opportunity for God to change a life.
So we carry on further into the week of showing love to children created in God’s image, looking out for one another – taking care and concern for one another.  Praise God we’ve made it this far.  I’m excited for God to continue to work through us the rest of the week!  May His name be glorified through our efforts.

Prayer Walks and a Block Party: Going Out to Bring Together

Prayer Walks and a Block Party

Going Out to Bring Together

Some Scenes from the Block Party at Iglesia Nueva Salem

The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings people together while also sending them out. 

Before his ascension, Jesus told his disciples they would receive power from the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. As the disciples did this, they were repairing the deep rifts that had appeared in the Kingdom of Israel over the previous ten centuries. Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria were being reunited under the reign of Jesus. The Gospel was bringing people together.

However, the Gospel did not simply stay in Israel. Very quickly it spread across the whole world. It went north into Asia. It went west through Rome on its way to Spain. It went east into India. The disciples of Jesus were his witnesses to the ends of the earth. The Gospel had sent them out.

This has been the pattern of ministry for Jesus' disciples ever since. Both globally and locally, there has been a constant rhythm of coming together and sending out. This is what we have experienced in our first few days at BUMP. More specifically, this is what we have experienced through frequent prayer walks and one hopping block party.

Each day we have broken up into smaller groups and gone on hour long walks through the neighborhood around Iglesia Nueva Salem. These walks have had a few different purposes. We have handed out fliers advertising Monday evening's Block Party at the church as well as the Summer Kids Club that will fill the rest of the week. Beyond advertisement, we also pray for different business, homes, people, and problems in the neighborhood. There have even been opportunities for us to meet the our neighbors and pray for specific requests. Much of our time at BUMP has been spent going out through neighborhood to find people.

On Monday night the neighborhood came together at Iglesia Nueva Salem. It did not take long for us to run out of sloppy joes and watermelon. The ice cream scoopers, cotton candy vendors, and sno-cone dispensers were working at full speed the entire evening. The line for the giant inflatable slide never dwindled. Beside all this, countless conversations were had while people from church and the BUMP groups met many people who were formerly strangers. By the end of the evening, over fifty kids were signed up for this week's summer kids club.

Going out to bring together. That has been the rhythm of BUMP so far. It is the rhythm of the Gospel. This week we will continue to go out into the neighborhood to pray. Our hope is that the neighborhood can be reconciled to God and each other through the Holy Spirit empowered ministry of Iglesia Nueva Salem.
Mural at Iglesia Nueva Salem

Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 2 - Fiesta de la Calle

Each day at BUMP begins with a morning rally.  We do some sort of game, worship corporately through song, and then have a speaker.   Our speaker spoke this morning emphasizing the question ‘how well do you know the people you are ministering to?’  She encouraged us to listen to their stories.

This question stayed on my mind as we transitioned into our personal devo time.  The passage prepared for us was out of Mark 5, Jesus healing a demon-possessed man.  Jesus casts out the demons, called Legion, and sends them into nearby pigs.  The text records that there were enough in this man to send 2,000 pigs to their death; that poor man!  It goes on to say that the herdsmen (who were witnesses) ran into the surrounding area telling everyone what just happened, “a crowd soon gathered around Jesus, and they saw the man who had be possessed by the legion of demons.  He was sitting there fully clothed and perfectly sane…”.  
It would have taken time to spread this news and for the people to return (travel time at the very least); and Jesus was still with this man.  I flipped over to Luke 8, a parallel passage noting verse 35, “…they saw the man who had been freed from the demons.  He was sitting at Jesus’ feet, fully clothed and perfectly sane…”
Jesus spent time with this man.  Jesus took time to know this man he was ministering to.  

Imagine, if you will, that conversation, what that time was like – Jesus sitting there with this man, whose life had just been radically changed.  

How well do you know the people you are ministering to?  Are you making time to get to know them?

Today was the block party, the fiesta de la calle.  It is a night to show love and have fun with the neighborhood.   It is also a great opportunity to get to know people.  Between the cotton candy, inflatables, water balloons, and face painting were stories being told.  Conversations being had.  It was a time to get to know the families of the kids we’ll be spending all week with. It was an evening spent getting to know the neighborhood we’re ministering to.

The block party kicks off our week of VBS which starts tomorrow night, after a day of learning and prayer walking.  We’ll be ready (by God’s grace) with smiles, energy, and ears to hear their stories.

Payne Ave. VBS Day 1

Our youth group goes to Payne Ave Church and when we get there at around 12:30 PM we already start preparing for our evening VBS. I am in the snack group so we started making dirt cups for snack time, yummy. And each group worked on their plan for the night.

From 2-4 we go prayer walking and hand out flyers around the neighborhoods for our VBS. Prayer walking is a fun time and it's also where you can really see God at work. For example, when we were prayer walking today we went up to a guy and he said, "What are you guys selling?" and I said,"We aren't selling anything. We are handing out flyers for our VBS." At first he really didn't seem interested in it but once he saw our flyer he became really interested and said he would be there. I wasn't really sure if he had kids or grandkids but we were happy he would be there and as soon as we left his house, we saw 3-4 kids run out of the house and he told them about it and they were excited. It was just cool to see  how he went from not being interested to being excited about it.

After we were all done with that, we had a little rest time, ate dinner and then the kids began to flow in. VBS was honestly a blast. It's amazing to see how much the kids love to worship Jesus and how they have so much energy. The kids also really love to be with us and I think its awesome that we get to show Jesus' love to them.

So far day one was a blast and I can't wait for the rest of the week and to see what God has in store.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 1 - Reconciliation

For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself.  He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.
            Colossians 1:19-20

My all-time favorite thing about BUMP is getting to partner with the local church. It is so exciting to be able to come alongside and support them in what they’re doing; and to also be an encouragement.  And as it usually goes with God, the encouragement goes both ways.  Only one day in and I’m already thanking God for the overflow of blessings He has poured out.

Minneapolis and St. Paul skylines
The week starts with fellowship at the church we are serving with during our time here in the Cities.  The pastor spoke out of Psalm 19, focusing on how huge God is and how we can hardly begin to comprehend that. We learned in the morning worship service that many members of the congregation were going out to the neighborhood streets to evangelize during the afternoon.  As they were out, the BUMP teams did some get-to-know-you activities and orientation.

Our last scheduled activity “on-site” before heading back for supper was prayer walking.   (I have to admit this is what I am most excited for this year).  Before we headed out, we heard some testimonies from those church members who went out to evangelize. They shared one quick praise from their afternoon of sharing the Gospel, and three powerful testimonies that highlighted the passion God instilled in them for their neighborhood. 

“As you go [prayer walking], pray for reconciliation,” one of the ladies pleaded, her voice laced with excitement and sincerity, “between neighbors, but ultimately with God.”  We did just that.
Reconciliation, a concept God brought me back to later that night as we celebrated communion with all of the “BUMPers” at the evening rally.  Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the blood He shed to reconcile everyone and everything to Himself.  The same God who created the heavens and the earth, whose vastness we can hardly begin to comprehend, said He was pleased to live in Christ, reconciling everything to Himself.  He did this all to make peace with you, with me, and with the families that live in the buildings surrounding New Salem Church in Minneapolis, MN.  We serve a good God.

We are heading into an incredible week with the power that is the Gospel; knowing God is on our side; and with confidence that He will work through our weakness as we strive to live each day in obedience to what He’s called us to do.  BUMP 2015, Let's do this!

Foot Fencing makes friends!

Opening rally worship at New Salem EFC