Monday, July 25, 2011

One for the record books...

BUMP 2011 has come to an end. The teams have returned home and Luke is now trying to find words to rhyme with twelve which may be even more difficult than eleven.

Now comes the time to reflect...
There has never been a BUMP with hotter weather. Great. MPR Radio reports: 
"3 consecutive days with 80 degree dew points at MSP Airport. (First time that has ever happened according to UM climate guru Dr. Mark Seeley)
82 degree dew point new all time record high dew point at MSP Airport. (May have been as high as 84 degrees in between hours!)
119 degree heat index (3:53pm) at MSP Airport ties all time record heat index at MSP!
A record high minimum temperature was set on July 18th, when a low temperature of 80 degrees was recorded at Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport. The previous record was 78 degrees which was set in 1986.
The record high minimum temperature was tied on July 17th, with a low temperature of 79 degrees. The record was previously set in 1936 and 1942."
Apparently on one of these days the only place hotter and more humid on the planet was in the Amazon. Seriously?

Has there ever been a BUMP with more visible signs of spiritual activity?
We always know God is working whether we see it or not. But this year, it was obvious! 
Reports of nine salvations at one site that could only hold VBS for two nights because of the heat. Thirteen at another where they discovered their neighborhood has been anxiously waiting for a VBS.
Students had opportunities to share faith at the Mall of America, wading pools, Urgent Care, to receptive neighborhoods and they liked it.
Every single student from one 20-member team shared their faith in one evening.
Four BUMPers from two different teams requesting to be baptized at the conclusion of the week, stating this was their point of never being the same.
The Twin Cities local churches energized, their congregations united through BUMP.
Team unity was so strong that when you showed up at a site you didn't know who traveled here with who.

Dijea Young, leader from Northfield EFC, summed it up well at the Pizza and Praise Rally with Romans 5:3."More than that, we(F) rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering(G) produces endurance, 4and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5and(H) hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love(I) has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." ESV

The week could have been defined by the weight of the trial, showing itself even in the heaviness of the air itself. As God provided the strength to endure rather than relief the end result was clear and defined hope.  

With that hope we go back to ordinary life "on mission" and prepare for BUMP 2012 - the 20th BUMP here in the Twin Cities - hoping for another one for the record books!

Rosanne Wood, BUMP Admin Asst

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