Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Atlantic E-Free: Day 3

Hello again from the Atlantic E-Free Church! 
Today was much smoother and much more organized than yesterday. After the rally and lunch, we headed for the site and got right to work. One group when prayer walking and handing out flyers, and, as a result of that, our numbers that night jumped from 25 to 32. The construction group split into three groups, one scraping paint off the side of the church, one group priming the entire old shed, and a third continuing the building of the new shed. And two girls helped in the kitchen, cooking us a delicious supper. 
The sports camp is also going well. All the kids that came seemed to have a fantastic time, playing sports and watching a drama and hearing the story of Noah. 
It's been hard for all of us to not see immediate results--to have doors literally slammed in our faces while handing out flyers, to have kids not pay attention during the bible stories, to not be able to see how anything we're doing is furthering the kingdom of God at all. But through our hour and a half long discussion tonight, we talked about how God works in ways we can't often see, but that doesn't mean he's not working. We exposed, analyzed, and resolved the mindset problems that many of us had, the expectations that were different from the reality of what God wants to do with here. We're also working on solidifying our relationship as a group, from twelve people putting on a sports camp and doing some work projects to a team of brothers and sisters spreading God's love. 
God's still working here in Minneapolis, and I'm excited to see what he's going to do the rest of this week. 

Signing off, 

Hannah McLean and the Atlantic E-Free Youth Group




Reid with Preston and Alex on his back. 

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