Hello from Minneapolis, Minnesota!
Today was an absolutely fantastic first day of BUMP! We started the day off with a great outdoor service at Faith EFC and got to meet the brothers and sisters from Robbinsdale and Hot Springs that we'll be working with this week. They're some really great people, and I'm very excited to be working with them. We had a great time bonding over sandwiches and silly games, then loaded into the blue and yellow school bus from Hot Springs and rode up to where we were going to be in the "Whiz Bang Days" parade.
We walked with the Faith EFC truck and handed out candy and flyers about the sports camp we'll be doing. Everyone loved the candy (and we managed to not run out!), and I was particularily encouraged to see that a lot of people seemed to be very interested in the flyers. Hopefully this means we'll have a lot of participants in our sports camp!
Our team had a lot of great bonding with the kids from Faith who will be coming to our sports camp, and I got to see a lot of budding relationships. It was also a huge relief to us Atlantic kids to find that the Hope Springs youth group was just as weird as we are!
The rally was really good and thought-provoking, and our team ended the night by talking about the good and what was hard about the day and encouraging each other's strengths.
I'm really excited to see what God is going to do with us this week. So far it's been good, and I can't wait to tell you all about what God does here in Robbinsdale.
Signing off,
Hannah McLean and the Atlantic E-Free Youth Group
Great to hear things are off to a good start! Praying for you all.