This question stayed on my mind as we transitioned into our
personal devo time. The passage prepared
for us was out of Mark 5, Jesus healing a demon-possessed man. Jesus casts out the demons, called
Legion, and sends them into nearby pigs.
The text records that there were enough in this man to send 2,000 pigs
to their death; that poor man! It
goes on to say that the herdsmen (who were witnesses) ran into the surrounding
area telling everyone what just happened, “a crowd soon gathered around Jesus,
and they saw the man who had be possessed by the legion of demons. He was sitting there fully clothed and
perfectly sane…”.
It would have taken time to spread this news and for the people
to return (travel time at the very least); and Jesus was still with this
man. I flipped over to Luke 8, a
parallel passage noting verse 35, “…they saw the man who had been freed from
the demons. He was sitting at Jesus’
feet, fully clothed and perfectly sane…”
Jesus spent time with this man. Jesus took time to know this man he was ministering to.
Imagine, if you will, that conversation, what that time was
like – Jesus sitting there with this man, whose life had just been radically
How well do you know the people you are ministering to? Are you making time to get to know them?
Today was the block party, the fiesta de la calle. It is a night to show love and have fun with the neighborhood. It is also a great opportunity to get to know people. Between the cotton candy, inflatables, water balloons, and face painting were stories being told. Conversations being had. It was a time to get to know the families of the kids we’ll be spending all week with. It was an evening spent getting to know the neighborhood we’re ministering to.
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