Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday.... BUMP 2016- Day 3


The middle of the week. The half-way point. The pesky hump that always seems to have a little extra stacked against us.

The heat. With a real-feel reaching 97 degrees, we battled the potential for dehydration and exhaustion.

Fatigue. After a few days of late nights and early mornings, we all began to feel the weight of tiredness.

Low numbers. Today we had several kids in the community who were unable to attend, shrinking our group considerably.

All of these things combined for a challenging day that could have ended in disaster....but God.

God helped us maintain positive attitudes and healthy bodies in the midst of the extreme heat. He gave us the energy and encouragement we needed to continue connecting with the kids and leading by example. God showed us how amazing the opportunity to have one-on-one connections with kids could be, and how He always brings the exactly right people to the right place on the exactly right day.

Tonight, we are praising God for another day spent proclaiming Him, with excitement for what He still has in store!

Enjoy these photos of our day to day activities at Faith EFC! Thank you for your prayers!

BUMPers vs Kids Soccer!
Hip Hop with B-Girl Sara Kelly
We start and end the night with some worship songs led by our BUMPers

Small group discussion of the day's Bible story.

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